Bull Development
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Bulls That Give Results
The bulls we raise are moderate framed with good fleshing ability and solid feet. Our focus is to create females with good longevity, good feet and good udders. These females must also produce calves that will stand out with a natural thickness that any buyer would want. In 2019 we fed out 20 steers sired by bulls from our program. 19 out of the 20 graded choice or prime.

Bulls Raised On Cover Crops
Our bulls are calved on cornstalks or cover crops. From a young age they are raised on cover crops with their dams until they are weaned. During weaning they are getting a starter ration of silage, alfalfa hay, ground corn and protein pellets for roughly 3-4 weeks then they get turned out on our winter cover crop mixes until the sale. We do this so our bulls are in good shape and condition and are ready for breeding season when our customers take them home.
Young Red Angus grazing cattle on cover crops all year.